
    *A legally binding court recognized contract will be generated automatically after form submission.

    Tell us about your business
    [md-text label="Business Name"]
    [md-text label="Website"]
    [md-text label="Industry"]
    [md-select label="Type of business"]
    [md-textarea label="Product Description"]

    Tell us some basics about how you deliver products
    [md-radio label="Do you ship the product yourself?"]
    YesNo, products are shipped by a third party e.g. fulfillment house[/md-radio]
    [md-select label="How long after paying will your customers typically receive their goods or services?"]
    [md-text label="Long statement descriptor (max 22 characters):"]
    A statement descriptor is the business name a customer will see
    on their card statements. Choose a name that’s easy to recognize to avoid potential chargebacks.
    [md-text label="Shortened descriptor (10 characters): - no space in-between characters"]
    Shortened descriptors can be paired with specific details about a charge.

    Provide us with your bank details
    [md-text label="Name on account"]
    [md-text label="Bank Name"]
    [md-text label="Account No."]
    [md-select label="Account Type"]
    [md-text label="Routing No. (if not NCB)"]
    [md-text label="Branch Location"]

    Tell us who will be in-charge of this account
    [md-text label="Admin Name"]
    [md-text label="Support Contact No."]
    [md-text label="Support Email"]
    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your business registration form"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]

    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your ID (front). ID must be admin information above"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]

    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your ID (back). ID must be admin information above"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]

    Stipe integration Section
    [md-radio label="Are we doing the integration into your website?"]

    [md-text label="Website URL (e.g. myecommercewebsite.com)"]
    [md-text label="Admin Login URL (e.g. myecommercewebsite.com/wp-admin)"]
    [md-text label="Type of website (e.g. WordPress, WIX, Squarespace)"]

    Login credentials
    [md-text label="Login Email address / Username"]

    [md-text label="Login Password"]


    Stripe Payment Form Section
    [md-radio label="Are you doing a payment form for your website?"]

    [md-text label="Domain Name (e.g. mobileedge.getpaid.app)"]
    [md-file label="Company Logo"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]
    [md-text label="Main company colour (e.g. blue)"]





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