
Please fill out this simple 4-step form and we will get you up and running in no time.

You will be asked to provide us with your business registration and identity documents (e.g. drivers license) on step 4. Please have these handy before you start.

*Note: A legally binding court-recognised contract will be generated automatically for your signature after you submit this form.


    Tell us about your business
    [md-text label="Business Name"]
    [md-text label="Website"]
    [md-text label="Industry"]
    [md-select label="Type of business"]
    [md-textarea label="Product Description"]

    Tell us some basics about how you deliver products
    [md-radio label="Do you ship the product yourself?"]
    YesNo, products are shipped by a third party e.g. fulfillment house[/md-radio]
    [md-select label="How long after paying will your customers typically receive their goods or services?"]

    [/md-form][cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-1 "Next - Banking" "Business Info"][md-form]

    Provide us with your bank details
    [md-text label="Name on account"]
    [md-text label="Bank Name"]
    [md-text label="Account No."]
    [md-select label="Account Type"]
    [md-text label="Routing No. (if not NCB)"]
    [md-text label="Branch Location"]

    [md-text label="Long statement descriptor (max 22 characters):"]
    A statement descriptor is the business name a customer will see
    on their card statements.
    Choose a name that’s easy to recognize to avoid potential chargebacks.
    [md-text label="Shortened descriptor (10 characters): - no space in-between characters"]
    Shortened descriptors can be paired with specific details about a charge.

    Tell us who will be in-charge of this account
    [md-text label="Admin Name"]
    [md-text label="Support Contact No."]
    [md-text label="Support Email Address"]
    You will also be able to use this email address to log into the Stripe dashboard to check your transactions

    [/md-form][cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-2 "Back - Business" "Next - Technical" "Banking Info"][md-form]

    Stripe integration Section
    [md-radio label="Are we doing the integration into your website?"]

    [md-text label="Website URL (e.g."]
    [md-text label="Admin Login URL (e.g."]
    [md-text label="Type of website (e.g. WordPress, WIX, Squarespace)"]

    Login credentials
    [md-text label="Login Email address / Username"]

    [md-text label="Login Password"]


    Stripe Payment Form Section
    [md-radio label="Are you doing a payment form for your website?"]

    [md-text label="Domain Name (e.g."]
    [md-file label="Company Logo"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]
    [md-text label="Main company colour (e.g. blue)"]

    [/md-form][cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-3 "Back - Banking" "Next - Documentation" "Technical Details"][md-form]
    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your business registration form"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]

    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your ID (front). ID must be admin information above"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]

    [md-file label="Please attach a copy of your ID (back). ID must be admin information above"]
    [md-raw]Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, png[/md-raw]



    [cf7mls_step cf7mls_step-4 "Back - Technical" "Documentation"]

    GET A




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